Tulse Hill Unites Steps Up Campaign

Nov 13, 2023 | Community Action, News

Over the past 18 months, the High Trees Community Action team has been out and about on Tulse Hill Estate, having now knocked on all 898 properties at least 3 times, resulting in conversations with over 200 residents about issues that matter to them. 

High Trees have helped residents organise around the issues that were identified as common themes during these conversations (our Listening Report can be found here) and have supported the formation of a new resident led community group ‘Tulse Hill Estate Unites’, helping equip the residents with the skills needed to run their campaigns. 

The residents are now meeting every two weeks, focusing initially on the huge issues with damp and mould and inadequate repairs on the estate. The severity of the conditions was highlighted by the story of one group member, a cancer patient whose ceiling collapsed twice over a six-month period, causing them to have to sleep on the floor while awaiting surgery. 

In response the group rallied around this member, organising a successful press release detailing the experiences of residents, which was picked up and published by the Guardian. This resulted in an apology by Lambeth Council and Senior Housing Officers are now engaging with the group, with many of their repairs now being completed because of their efforts. 

Read the full article in the Guardian here 

The group have now launched their website (which can be found here) and are planning their next round of action. 

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