Regeneration of Brixton

In 2018, High Trees was commissioned by the Greater London Authority (GLA) to run a pilot peer research project, designed to increase engagement with communities whose voice and influence had been previously underrepresented in public policy. We recruited peer researchers from two of the identified target communities, young black men and older members of minority ethnic communities (65+), to take part in the pilot.  

The pilot’s aims were….


To strengthen connections and engagement with communities whose voice and influence on public policy is under represented


To identify and develop community leaders in those communities


To generate insights that others within the Greater London Authority can learn from and act on

High Trees gave intensive training to a cohort of local people, providing training in peer research skills, community organising and the key principles of data collection. Supported by our Community Action team, the group of peer researchers carried out a listening campaign to find out what impact regeneration has had on young black men under 25 years old and minority ethnic residents aged 65+ living in Brixton. They went on to analyse the data collected and produced a report and video of the project.

We organised an event to bring together the researchers, those who had participated in the work, and those who had commissioned the work, to discuss the findings and potential next steps. Following the pilot, peer researchers were supported to access other High Trees services – such employment support or training courses – where needed.