Next steps for the Lambeth Peer Action Collective

Jul 1, 2024 | Community Action, News, Partnerships

The Lambeth Peer Action Collective (LPAC) has officially started its second phase. The collective is a collaboration between young people and youth organisations based in Lambeth, empowering young people to take a lead role in identifying, researching and acting on issues that affect them.  

The second phase of LPAC research and social action builds on initial work done on Understanding Young People’s Experiences of Violence in Lambeth and their subsequent manifesto for change. Following on from this, we have recruited seven new LPAC team members, with three young people staying on from the initial group, making up the new LPAC team. After receiving applications from young people from across Lambeth, candidates were invited to a group assessment day and challenged to demonstrate their motivations and skills through speed interviews, speech writing and creative problem solving.  

What is the next stage of LPAC research? 

Through this new project the LPAC team will explore how local youth provision can protect young people from experiences of violence, and the important role of safe spaces and trusted adults. Team members will attend weekly sessions that build their skills in research and social action and start to develop their own project, ready for data collection this summer.  

So far, the group have learnt about peer action research, the importance of building power and working strategically, and have conducted literature reviews to explore existing studies and methods used. The team have done brilliantly, learning about the key building blocks needed to conduct peer action research. Their upcoming sessions will focus on designing their research focus, choosing the right methods, research ethics, data collection and improving their interview skills.   

In just a month, the new LPAC group have grown in confidence. They have started to build a strong team, share their ideas and experiences, and are more confident in their understanding of research and social action.  

If you are interested in staying up to date with developments at LPAC, please visit their website.