Maths Functional Skills Entry level

Learn how to use Maths in everyday life and gain a qualification in the field! This accredited course will run on Friday 10am - 3.30pm from 17th January to 4th April at the High Trees Hub. Upon successful completion, you will gain the NCFE Entry level Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics. By the end of the course, you will be able to demonstrate mathematical knowledge and skills and apply this to solve mathematical problems in real life situations.

Friday 10am - 3.30pm

17th January - 4th April 2025

High Trees Hub

Friday 10am - 3.30pm

17th January - 4th April 2025

High Trees Hub

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

Write down the place value of a decimal digit.

Find the fraction of a shape shaded of simple fractions

Recognise, name, and identify the properties of simple 2D shapes and knowledge of angles.

Read analogue and 24-hour digital clocks to the nearest hour, half hour and quarter hour.