The Tulse Hill Estate 

The High Trees Community Action team has been out and about on Tulse Hill Estate for the past year,
having conversations with residents about what life is like on the estate.

The team have now knocked on all 898 doors on the estate three times on different days and times,
speaking to 200 residents so far, to better understand their experiences, concerns, and vision for the estate.

We’re publishing the information we have collected through our listening campaign, in an anonymised format, in line with our core principle of working openly and with transparency, have a read to see what residents on Tulse Hill Estate think.

Next steps

Following this report, the Community Action team at High Trees has been supporting residents to organise around common issues identified. This has led residents to establish the group Tulse Hill Estate Unites, a group of residents from the estate coming together to imagine a different kind of housing estate.

To get in touch with our Community Action team


0208 671 3132
