Social Action

The Community Action team supports residents and young people from Tulse Hill and neighbouring areas to campaign for change, on issues that matter to them.

Our social action is always first informed by listening. The Community Action team starts by listening to residents and communities in the local area. When communities identify issues which they see as important and in need of resolving, we support to them to organise social action campaigns around these issues.

In the past, the Community Action team has supported communities to drive a range of collective social action campaigns. These have ranged from petitions, protests, to roundtable discussions and events. The aims of our social action is always to drive long-lasting positive change for communities around issues they have identified as important.

In the past, the Community Action team supported residents of St. Martins Estate in campaigning to address damp and mould issues in their homes, resulting in repairs totalling almost two million pounds. They also assisted residents in campaigning for refunds on overcharged water bills, leading to hundreds of thousands of pounds returned to affected residents.

Currently, we are facilitating social action campaigns with residents of Tulse Hill Estate, advocating for safe and decent housing. Additionally, through the Lambeth Peer Action Collective, we are supporting young people in addressing the root causes of violence affecting their community.

Current and past social action campaigns

The Tulse Hill Estate

The Community Action team has been supporting residents from the Tulse Hill Estate to campaign for better living conditions on the estate. Their current campaign is focused on securing repairs for persisting issues of damp and mould.

Lambeth Peer Action Collective

After completing their initial piece of peer research into Understanding Young People’s Experiences of Violence in Lambeth, the Lambeth Peer Action collective organised social action campaigns around its three key manifesto areas: opportunities, housing and education. 

St Martin’s Tenants and Residents Association

High Trees supported residents from St Martin’s Estate to organise collective action, calling on housing associations to issue refunds for historic water overcharging.