Coaching in Schools
High Trees work in local schools to provide a 6 – 12 week coaching programme free of charge.
We work together with schools to identify the best ways to ensure that our programme meets the needs of their pupils, and fits in well with other support that the school is offering.
Our coaching programme is designed to help young people develop the skills necessary to achieve their potential and overcome the barriers they are facing. Taking an approach of focusing on core strengths and recognising potential, we work with young people to build self-esteem, explore self limiting beliefs that prevent them from moving forward and encourage them to develop their own strategies to make life changes.
Our team of coaches have years of experience in the field of youth and community work, coaching and mentoring and are committed to supporting each young person that accesses our services. This programme is grant funded and therefore entirely free for the young people and schools.
If you would like to have an initial chat to find out if our service may be a good fit for your school and your pupils or would like further information please get in touch with us.
020 8674 3975

“I feel better about school because I didn’t feel like I was achieving much, but now I do
know that if I set myself a goal, I am going to do my best to achieve it and make it a reality.”

“I feel better about school because I didn’t feel like I was achieving much, but now I do know that if I set myself a goal, I am going to do my best to achieve it and make it a reality.”