Building Young Brixton

Building Young Brixton is a Lambeth-based partnership offering a multi-faceted youth service to inspire and empower young people.
Founded in 2016, Building Young Brixton (BYB) is a partnership of 10 Lambeth-based youth service providers. Each year, it works with over 1000 children and young people and has created a blueprint for community partnerships in Lambeth. Within the partnership, each organisation uses their unique approach to youth work, to ensure that we collectively increase opportunities for young people to thrive.
The organisations work together on a number of joint events throughout the year including staff training, trips within the partnership and our annual summer and Christmas parties. This work is complemented by BYB core services including a Building Young Leaders programme. This is a paid opportunity for young people within the partnership that is designed to empower the next generation of community leaders and youth practitioners. Our Building Young Leaders programme aims to keep BYB youth-led, meaningfully and strategically embedding youth voice in our operational delivery, whilst also aiding the partnership to effectively address challenges faced by young people in Lambeth.
Our partners include: Ebony Horse Club, Baytree Centre, Grove Adventure Playground, Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organisation (IRMO), Juvenis, Marcus Lipton Community Enterprise (MLCE), Spiral Skills, Step Now and BIGKID Foundation.